135 – Investing Passively with Multifamily Syndications with Travis Watts
Travis talks about being a passive investor in multifamily syndications and gives tips to those interested in entering the space.

134 – Lessons From Over 500 Flips In Northern California With Tamera Aragon
Tamera is a real investor, trainer, and coach in California. Tamera started investing in Stockton California in 2003 and from that time, has done over 500 flips. In this episode, Tamera will tell us how she got started in real estate investing, how lease options work, and how you can become a successful real estate investor as well.

133 – Structuring Your Real Estate Investment Portfolio with Leafy Legal with Jennifer Gligoric
Jennifer shares her expertise in asset protection, entity structuring (LLC), etc., all geared specifically for real estate investors and entrepreneurs.

132 – How to Protect Your Real Estate Assets With Offshore Bridge Accounts with Brian Bradley
Brian is an asset protection attorney at Bradley Legal and in this episode, he’ll be telling us how to use offshore accounts to protect our assets. As we know, it only takes one major lawsuit to completely wipe you out and negate decades of savings and investing. If you’re interested in keeping the assets you worked so hard for, you need to listen to this episode.

131 – Bay Area Investor to Cash Flowing King with Daniel-Linh Nguyen
In this episode, Daniel will tell us how he got into real estate investing in order to be lazy and not work. From buying his first condominium to hotel development, he strategically snowballed one successful deal to the next.

130 – Flipping, Wholesaling, and Entitlements in the Bay Area with Michael Quinnell
Synopsis Michael Quinnell is a guest on this episode, He is into real estate investing, and he mostly buys properties in the Bay Area. He got started in the business

129 – How Hemlane is Bringing Property Management to the 21st Century with Dana Dunford
Hemlane Property Management is a property management platform for real estate investors to manage their long-term rental properties.

128 – How To Work With Your Landlord To Pay Less Rent! with Justin Pogue
Justin is the author of Rental Secrets, a guide for tenants on how to work with their landlords to keep their rents at reasonable rates. I thought this would be an interesting discussion to have since most of our listeners are investors and are on the other side of the table. The strategies that you hear about in this podcast may help you keep a valuable tenant while having them help with your operations.

127 – Wholesaling Hotels In The Bay Area – Shannon Shackerley-Bennett
Shannon is a commercial real estate investor in the Bay Area that specializes in investing in hotels. In this episode, you’ll learn how to wholesale hotels in the Bay Area and how to structure deals with the sellers to create massive profits for your investors.

126 – How To Run A Successful Real Estate Investing Operation with Isaac Barrow
Isaac Barrow joins us in today’s episode to share how you can run a successful real estate investing operations, especially when starting out.

125 – How Title Insurance and Escrow Works with Jack Lin
Buying a home for the first time can be tricky. In this episode, Jack will teach us about Title Insurance, Escrow, and how it works for you.

124 – How To Use Virtual Assistants To Create A 7-Figure Business With Juan Diaz
Juan is a real estate investor in the Bay Area and on this episode, he’ll share how to hire the right team members to run a fully independent real estate business. Learning how to leverage other people’s time and talent allows you to spend more time doing the activities that matter.